Sunday, November 05, 2006

Why I Hate You

November 5, 2006. Another beautiful day in paradice. Video Game Industry, I still hate you.
But still, not really. I hate the guy who times when crap is released to the general public. As you learned in last week's post, Nintendo decided that the local Toys R Us had to have its reservations slips shipped to them in increments of 10. Nintendo also decided that their new console, the Wii, would come out 3 days short of a year after the XBOX 360 came out. They also decided that the date of the Babtism of my cousin was a good day to do their world-wide launch. Sorry, Dominic. Just kidding, I'll get it on the way there, hook it up to the 4" screen in my mom's minivan and play it on the way home. From that last relevant statement, I want to know who decided on a world-wide launch. At midnight all across the world, nintendo fanboys will pause thier DSs for a brief moment, climb out of their tent, and walk up to the counter of the local Target and fight for one of the 10 Wiis in stock. The world-wide launch sounded good when Microsoft announced it 18 months ago, but it created chaos. People were held at gunpoint, trampled, and killed over XBOX 360s. People sold theirs on ebay for over 300% more then they paid. One Sony Senior Manager paid $2000 for his. Stores recieved as little as 14, and 7 of them were sold to management. And now Nintendo thinks this is a good idea also. Hmmmm. Why don't you guys hold up on all of your shipments to countires with smaller populations than California and forward them to the stores that are only getting 10 or 15? We would kill for them, while they are more patient. Just stop and think about it next time. Have a nice day.