Sunday, September 10, 2006

Recent History Lesson

September 10, 2006. Another beautiful day in paradise. Recently, school started. Now if you don't go to my high school, you might not get some of the jokes, stories, etc. If you're not sure if you go to my school, read on and you'll know by the end. That said, on the first day of school everybody gets all dressed up to make a good impression or something like that. But due to tradition at our school, the majority of the first day is an assembly which is usually only to angrily chant at the incoming freshmen. But this year, they announced that not only that gum chewing wasn't against the rules last year, along with soda drinking, but that neither are allowed this year. Just clear water in a clear container that has nothing in but but Hydrogen and Oxygen. But the good news is that for the first time in 74 years, our school has ... wait for it ... Toliet paper on rolls! After the assembly, we had our afternoon classes. Fast Forward 7:00 the next morning. Second day of school. I had to get all dressed up again because nobody had their morning classes yet and my schedule got changed. On the second day all the classes are shortened due to the pep rally where all the teams get cheered on by the whole school and the angry chants at the freshmen. We, the sophomores, had about 50 people there, about 75% of the Juniors showed up, about 50% of the freshmen came, and naturally all of the Seniors came. During the chant competition, We came in third, freshmen in last because everyone else drowned them out, Seniors came in second, (but the teachers said they won anyway) and Juniors took the gold. Not that you win anything. During our chant, everybody started booing. Even the freshmen. Nothing like pissing off 400 people simultaneously. It's an unique kind of therapy. Afterward, I was talking with Mike and Liz (well, Mike and Liz talked and I mumbled like 5 words) and Liz said something about how Band isn't a team but It's harder than Cheerleading, and that's a team. I thought about it, and came up with this: Cheerleaders can stay a team, as long as they do the same routine as they did at the pep rally. Also, the Band and color guard should now be a team. The reason the cheerleaders have to do the same routine is because they practically mooned the freshmen, and since we are next to the freshmen we had a great view. That's all I'm saying.
Also in recently Steve Irwin died. If you don't know who he is than I'm not going to tell you he's the Crocodile Hunter. He was doing a segment called something like, "Deadly Dangers of the Deep". Now since he was filming this when he died, they have his death on tape. The sad part his they're probably going to air it. Just goes to show how sick and twisted our society is. Now, a bunch of jokes have popped up about his dead ranging form "He had it coming" to "One less Psycho on TV". When Mike told me one of these I said, "Don't make fun of dead people." Since Mike always had a defense, he said, "He's not dead he's immortal". Here's to the immortal Crocodile Hunter. Have a nice day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well said descripition on the first few days expet no one got dressed up and u coulda said a few more words when i was talking to liz if u r there talk that my motto but then again ive been told i talk too much